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Penny Dreadful Books and Reviews

I love books and feel strongly that reading is one of the most important skills a person can have. I read voraciously and have been known to read while walking and have never once bumped into anything!

Currently reading

Love Unscripted
Tina Reber
Karina Halle
Hidden Agenda
Peter Berman

I have done a TBR Jar.

Reblogged from My love of reading:
The Name of the Star (The Shades of London) - Maureen Johnson

A TBR Jar is where you write down on small peices of paper all the books you still need to read from your bookshelves (which is a lot) in a Jar and once a month you draw a peice out and read that book.  I had my son do this for me he loved it.  This months pick was The Name Of The Star.  So far it is really good so a good pick for the month.  Wondering if I should do a TBB (to be bought) Jar?  I have so many books I need to buy to complete my series and just books I have to have so this might be a way to keep me on track of what I need to buy instead of inpulse buying?

Book Catalog App

Have you had this problem?  You go to the bookstore or your browsing the estore and you come along a book you like, but think for a minute that you already own it, but go ahead ame buy it, convinsing yourself that there is no way you own it, then you get home at see that you now that've two copies/forms of said book.


I found this cool book app that helps you keep track of your books that you own.  It's called Bookapp2.  I found it for iPhone, but not sure if it is on android.  I like it because it has a scanner that reads the barcode.  The only disadvantage to the app is that if Google Books doesn't have it then you have to manually input the books information.  


Have you used apps to catalog your books or some other way besides obviously Booklikes or Goodreads?  What is your system of knowi g what books you own and in what form if you have an ebook device yet still buy paper books?


BookLikes -> Goodreads Synchronization

Reblogged from BookLikes:

Good news for those who like BookLikes and Goodreads and want to stay active on both. Now you can synchronize your Goodreads profile with your BookLikes webpage. Just connect your GR account in Booklikes Settings/Import and fill up your both bookshelves at one go from your BookLikes webpage.


To synchronize your Goodreads account with your BookLikes webpage, follow these two steps:

1. Go to Settings/Import and connect your Goodreads account.

2. Enjoy shelving and reviewing books on BookLikes and have them published on both sites.


BookLikes -> Goodreads synchronization includes:

  • adding books to shelf,
  • adding shelves,
  • posting a review,
  • rating books.


Once you do one of those things on BookLikes, they will be published on your both sites: here on your BookLikes webpage and on your Goodreads profile. Please note that during this process we're dependent on Goodreads technology and some synchronization delays concerning adding books on your Goodreads shelf and posting a review may occur.


Please remember that BookLikes -> Goodreads book match is possible thanks to ISBN. If the book lacks the number or is unavailable on Goodreads with the given ISBN, it may not appear on your Goodreads bookshelves.


The synchronization will be active from the moment you connect your GR account on BookLikes. If you would like to fill up your BookLikes profile with your past book entries from Goodreads, you can do that by importing your csv file from Goodreads with your book collection, bookshelves, reviews and ratings in Settings/Import. If you have any questions, check our FAQ site or write to us

Left Drowning

Left Drowning - Jessica Park Left Drowning is a powerful story overt in its emotion and impact on the reader. Blythe McGuire is almost catatonic in her grief over her parents death until she meets Chris Shepherd and things slowly begin to change for the rest of my review check out my blog at www.pennydreadfulbooks.wordpress.com

Losing It (Losing It, #1)

Losing It - Cora Carmack I felt that Losing It had a lot of unrecognized potential. The characterization of the protagonist was problematic but the hero was appealing and well developed. To see my full review please visit my blog at http://pennydreadfulbooks.wordpress.com/2013/06/11/seattle-grace-meets-the-theatre-losing-it-cora-carmack/

Finding Home

Finding Home - Lauren Baker, Bonnie Dee I enjoyed Finding Home, it was an honest rendering of how a damaged teen and young woman finding their way together. For my full review check out my blog at http://www.pennydreadfulbooks.wordpress.com


Wallbanger - Alice Clayton I loved this book, to read my full review check out my blog www.pennydreadfulbooks.wordpress.com

On The Island

On the Island  - Tracey Garvis-Graves On the Island is a compelling thought provoking read to see my full review check out my blog @ www.pennydreadfulbooks.wordpress.com